Visit Our Social Media Spaces!

Painted style landscape of Lake Champlain with social media icons below, and text: North Country Center for Independence "Empowering people with disabilities"

As summer winds down and things are relatively quiet in terms of advocacy, this seems like a good time to remind everyone of the various ways you can connect with NCCI on the internet. Just click the links to visit, and be sure to "Like", "Follow," and "Share" these sites with other people who may be interested!

Home page icon

All about NCCI's mission and philosophy, services, programs, advocacy, news, staff, and board. Also visit an online events calendar, links to NCCI's social media, and a regularly updated blog with editorials and action alerts.

Email icon
Email Newsletter

Weekly information and updates on NCCI activities and disability issues, sent to a master list of email addresses. If you're not getting them already, click here to subscribe.

Facebook icon

Articles on disability issues and culture, shared daily, along with announcements of scheduled local events related to NCCI and disability matters.

Twitter icon

Short messages and links on disability issues and culture, shared daily. Follow us to get our tweets on your feed, and participate in disability conversations and scheduled chats.

Instagram icon

Photos and video of NCCI events and local disability-related activities. There are only a handful of photos up now, but expect more in the coming months.

YouTube icon

Original videos on NCCI, and shared videos from other sources on disability-related topics. We are working on some individual videos now that we hope to post soon.

GoFundMe icon

Online fundraising for specific NCCI projects benefitting people with disabilities in our area. Our current fundraiser is for the NCCI Homecoming Fund.